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EuropaBON reports back on major achievements, activities and events in the GEOBON 2022 highlights report – check out page 27 to read more!

We are glad to announce that EuropaBON features in the new GEOBON 2022 highlights report, recognising our significant contributions to global biodiversity monitoring efforts.

The report showcases EuropaBON’s progress in promoting the use of standardised monitoring protocols, enhancing data quality, and improving knowledge and understanding of European biodiversity patterns and trends. EuropaBON’s engagement with stakeholders, including citizen scientists, researchers, policymakers, and non-governmental organisations, was also acknowledged as a vital aspect of our success.

The GEOBON report is an annual publication that provides an overview of progress made towards the global targets on biodiversity monitoring and conservation. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity observation and to promote the use of data to inform decision-making.

The inclusion of EuropaBON in the report highlights the project’s growing importance in the global biodiversity community and underscores the need for continued efforts to build a robust and comprehensive biodiversity observation network in Europe.

Find the full report here (p.27).

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