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Work Package 2

WP2 oversees the processes of identifying critical stakeholders to map out user and policy needs for biodiversity monitoring and facilitates knowledge exchange via a series of workshops. This WP further plans to investigate the feasibility of setting up a Biodiversity Monitoring Coordination Centre (BMCC) in Europe, which can coordinate monitoring activities across Europe, streamline knowledge and data, and facilitate policy uptake of biodiversity data for multiple purposes and policy objectives.


Ian McCallum

Lead / IASA

At IIASA, Ian McCallum contributes to numerous research projects applying geo-spatial analysis to global environmental problems. He helped develop the Geo-Wiki, a globally recognized Citizen Science platform for Earth observation. His research interests lie along areas of environmental monitoring, earth observation, citizen science, the carbon cycle and natural hazards. He will coordinate the role of IIASA in leading WP2 on Stakeholder Involvement, along with contributing to the WP5 use case on the Habitat Directive via citizen science.

Aletta Bonn

Co-lead / UFZ, iDiv

Task Leaders

T2.1 Ian McCallum / Juliette Martin

T2.2 Aletta Bonn / Hannah Moersberger

T2.3 Ian McCallum / Ivelina Georgieva

T2.4 Camino Liquete

T2.5 Gabriela Popova