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Work Package 4

WP4 co-designs a cost-efficient framework for the future monitoring of biodiversity across Europe, including data collection and management protocols, relevant workflows, and a coherent framework for the analysis and reporting of data and trends of biodiversity change in key ecosystem types. It further identifies the necessary tools and models for data integration and provides an overview of the data and metadata standards required for technical interoperability.


W. Daniel Kissling

Lead / University of Amsterdam

W. Daniel Kissling is associate professor for quantitative biodiversity science at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He will lead WP4 of the EuropaBON project and be responsible for developing the co-design of the monitoring system.

Maria Dornelas

Co-lead / University of St Andrews

Tom Breeze

Co-lead / University of Reading

Tom Breeze is a Senior Research Fellow in Ecological Economics at the University of Reading’s School of Agriculture, Policy and Development. He will be analysing the cost-effectiveness of new and novel biodiversity monitoring methods in EuropaBON WP3 and 4.

Task Leaders

T4.1 Henrique Pereira / Jessi Junker / Néstor Fernández / Miguel Fernandez / Jose Valdez

T4.2 Maria Dornelas / Cher Chow

T4.3 W. Daniel Kissling / Maria Lumbierres

T4.4 Tom Breeze