WP1 oversees the coordination and management of the project. It facilitates communication among partners, assures efficient exchange of information among WP leaders and co-leaders, and coordinates and manages all scientific, administrative, legal, and political aspects of EuropaBON.

Henrique Pereira
Lead / MLU, iDiv
Henrique Pereira is professor for biodiversity conservation at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and an invited professor at InBio/CiBio-University of Porto. Together with the scientific and administrative coordinators, as well as the management support team, he will coordinate EuropaBON and lead WP1. He will also support the research activities in all other WPs, and lead tasks in WP4 and WP5.

Gabriela Popova
Co-lead / PENSOFT
Gabriela is a senior science communication expert at Pensoft Publishers. She holds a degree in Multimedia Design and Communication, as well as one in International Relations from Aalborg University, Denmark. She is involved in the communication and dissemination activities of EuropaBON, as well as several other H2020 projects focusing on topics such as biodiversity monitoring, nature-based solutions, long term ecosystem research and research integrity.
Task Leaders
T1.1 Annett Masur / Henrique Pereira / Jessi Junker
T1.2 Christian Langer / Gabriela Popova
T1.3 Henrique Pereira / Jessi Junker
T1.4 Gabriela Popova