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Why become a EuropaBON member?

During registration, members can choose to be regularly informed about important news, including latest project results and products, upcoming project activities and important events by receiving our quarterly EuropaBON newsletter. In addition, the newsletter also serves to report on the latest activities, events and achievements of the EuropaBON members network to foster new connections among the different institutions, projects and initiatives and to re-initiate existing links.

Members that want to become more deeply involved and actively engage in the various project tasks and activities, have the option to accept invitations to review documents, participate in surveys and targeted interviews, and participate in workshops soliciting feedback and capturing responses with various digital tools. For example, EuropaBON`s User & Policy Needs Assessment Report underwent an extensive public review process and benefited from over 300 comments from members in 31 countries and ten European Commission services.

EuropaBON stands for Europa Biodiversity Observation Network and as such, we wish to promote networking among our members as much as possible. The contact database therefore exists in two versions: an internal database available to EuropaBON`s core members, and a publicly available GDPR compliant version for those who consent to this, available via the project members website. Here, members can search, as well as contact other members and communicate with them via our new chat function!