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EuropaBON publishes EBV workflow templates in Zenodo

We are pleased to announce the publication of the EBV workflow templates, an outcome of the EuropaBON virtual workshop on Essential Biodiversity Variable workflows held from 22 to 24 February 2023. These templates aim to enhance transparency, knowledge exchange, and collaboration within the European biodiversity monitoring community.

The templates are designed to document the workflows required to produce EBVs. They are organised into three workflow components involved in EBV production (data collection and sampling, data integration, and modelling) and into categories reflecting the stages of workflow maturity (current initiatives, emerging tools, and future needs).

For those involved in biodiversity monitoring and research, the EBV workflow templates could provide valuable insights into the current biodiversity monitoring landscape in Europe and how EBV production could be operationalized at the EU level.

To access the templates, please visit

Maria Lumbierres and W. Daniel Kissling, University of Amsterdam

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