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Job Vacancy: iDiv is looking for a PhD Researcher to join their NaturaConnect team

Low clouds over the River Danube flowing through the Iron Gate Gorge, Djerdap National Park, Serbia, June 2009.

The iDiv Biodiversity Conservation group is looking for an early career researcher to join their team of experts, led by Prof. Henrique Pereira. The position is a part-time one and will be focused on the work developed within the EU-funded NaturaConnect project.

NaturaConnect aims to support the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, through an integration of interdisciplinary research and stakeholder engagement across scales, to develop spatial planning policy supporting tools. The research will be done in collaboration with a consortium of 20 partner institutions including scientific institutes across Europe and some of the major European NGOs. It will involve a co-design process involving key stakeholders at multiple levels, from the European commission to National authorities and protected area managers.


• Develop a biodiversity monitoring system for TEN-N

• Apply the nature futures framework to assess the resilience of TEN-N under future scenarios and by modelling

species-based ecosystem services

• Contribute to the research on European-scale connectivity planning

• Contribute to the research on the implementation of TEN-N with EU policy makers and in the 6 case studies

• Participate in project meetings and activities with stakeholders

• Write scientific papers of the research

• Contribute to writing the project deliverables

The deadline for submitting your applications is 15 December, 2022

More about the vacancy and how to apply, you can find here.

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