The movie industry has been adding subliminal messages in various productions with the purpose of addressing a range of societal issues, amongst which environmental. Against this background, EuropaBON is launching a new social media campaign, which will showcase such movies that are of relevance to the objectives of the project.
The campaign is named Nature through the lens, with a dedicated hashtag #NatureInCinema, and will feature once a week a movie that has touched upon crucial environmental messages. The idea behind this is to create a higher engagement and raise awareness towards some vital issues, such as biodiversity loss and nature conservation, while of course, aligning our objectives with the movie’s narrative. And what a better way to emphasise on such an important topic, than through a movie?
Within the comfort of your home you can now learn how to preserve the environment and what are some of the main biodiversity loss drivers in an easy and relaxing way. Follow #NatureInCinema on our social media channels to see what movies we have selected for you.